Topic IV: Safety and Health Knowledge Management
The Transfer of Knowledge
World Café
From Data to Practice
Future Action
- Translate the above model into a tangible case study
- Develop a pilot program in the step from knowledge to action on a specific topic (to be determined)
Develop and Use Knowledge - Tacit Knowledge
- Wiki
- Case Studies
- Learning Organizations
- Capture Institutional Knowledge
- Mentoring to capture tacit knowledge
Develop and Use Knowledge -All Knowledge
- Treat Knowledge as an Asset
- Manage it
- Apply TQM
- Teach how to communicate knowledge
- Determine How to Assess Impact
- Tie Knowledge Development to Practical Needs
Develop and Use Knowledge - US-EU Collaboration
- Joint Effort
- Identify Knowledge Gaps
- Identify Top Five Topics
- Share Campaign Experiences and Materials
- Develop a single source of OSH Information
Develop Knowledgeable People - Certifications
- Levels
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Reciprocity/Mutual Recognition Across Lines
Develop Knowledgeable People - Barriers
- Language (literacy, translation)
- Work Patterns and Processes
- Individual Background/Culture
- Computer Literacy
Develop Knowledgeable People - Promoting OSH
- By Imparting OSH IntoValue Systems
- By Developing Incentives to Enter OSH Professions
Develop Knowledgeable People - Drivers
- Legislation, Worker/Union Demands, Client, Management, Economic, Culture
- Training Needed (Workers, Supervisors, Inspectors, Trainers, Teachers, Business Leaders, OSH Professionals)
- Embed OSH into Education System
Characterize and Transfer Historical Success
- Create historical documentation
- Teach passion, not just technology
- Who are the OSH heroes?
Selling OSH
- Social Responsibility
- Save the Planet vs. Save the Workplace
- Peace = No War
- OSH = No Workplace Deaths and injuries
Safe Way as the "Only Way"
- True Financial Impact of Protecting Workers (more than cost-benefit calculation)
- Protected Workers > Better Motivation, Better Quality, Better Production
- Embed OSH into Public Consciousness
- OSH Professionals
- Lousy terminology
- More attractive jobs
- See "selling OSH"
- Connect OSH to Social Media
Knowledge Transfer from Older to Younger Workers
- Campaigning
- Social Media
- Interactive Systems
- Non-literacy dependent systems
- Posters
- Pictograms
- Cartoons